taketotheship With a philosophical flourish Cato throws himself upon his sword; I quietly take to the ship. 4-6 inches in this latest snowpocalypse. We will r I don’t think we’re in the Bahamas anymore, To Where’d all the water in the Chesapeake go?! Dam Instagram post 18053046779066152 Finally! A project I’ve been wanting to do ever One perk to staying north this winter: Further spo 🤬 First, today, it was socks and shoes. Then, t Okay, this whole wearing-socks-and-shoes thing jus Had to spruce up the marina a bit… Another gorgeous day at the Annapolis Sailboat Sho A great photo of Further rolling up the Neuse Rive Still one of my fave ways to photograph Further: w The annual Annapolis performance of the US Navy Bl An ignominious finish to an amazing journey. It tr There’s a familiar sight Welcome to Maryland The bar top here in Hampton, VA is torturing me. W In November, it was the first bridge we passed und About to open my last Sands. Happy, because now I Early departure from Belhaven NC. Long day today. Load More Follow on Instagram